path: root/src/commands.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/commands.rs')
1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands.rs b/src/commands.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69cc83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/commands.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+use std::{
+ fs, iter,
+ path::{Path, PathBuf},
+use bevy::{
+ ecs::{
+ system::SystemState,
+ world::{Command, CommandQueue},
+ },
+ prelude::*,
+ tasks::AsyncComputeTaskPool,
+use crypto::{
+ aes::KeySize,
+ blockmodes::{EcbEncryptor, PkcsPadding},
+ buffer::{BufferResult, ReadBuffer, RefReadBuffer, RefWriteBuffer, WriteBuffer},
+use occule::Error;
+use xz2::read::{XzDecoder, XzEncoder};
+use crate::{
+ components::DirworldEntity,
+ events::{DirworldNavigationEvent, DirworldSpawn},
+ payload::{DirworldComponent, DirworldComponentDiscriminants, DirworldEntityPayload},
+ resources::{
+ DirworldCodecs, DirworldCurrentDir, DirworldObservers, DirworldRootDir, DirworldTasks,
+ EntryType,
+ },
+ Extensions,
+struct DirworldNavigateCommand {
+ pub path: PathBuf,
+impl Command for DirworldNavigateCommand {
+ fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
+ let root_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldRootDir>().unwrap();
+ let mut current_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCurrentDir>().unwrap();
+ let current_path;
+ let old_dir;
+ if let Some(old_path) = &current_dir.0 {
+ world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::LeftRoom {
+ path: old_path.clone(),
+ });
+ current_path = old_path.join(self.path);
+ old_dir = Some(old_path.clone());
+ } else {
+ current_path = self.path;
+ old_dir = None;
+ }
+ current_dir.0 = Some(current_path.clone());
+ let mut system_state: SystemState<(
+ Commands,
+ Query<(Entity, &DirworldEntity)>,
+ Res<DirworldObservers>,
+ Res<DirworldCodecs>,
+ )> = SystemState::new(world);
+ let (mut commands, dirworld_entities, observers, codecs) = system_state.get_mut(world);
+ update_entries(
+ &mut commands,
+ &dirworld_entities,
+ old_dir,
+ &current_path,
+ &root_dir.0.clone().unwrap(),
+ &observers,
+ &codecs,
+ );
+ system_state.apply(world);
+ world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::EnteredRoom { path: current_path });
+ world.insert_resource(current_dir);
+ world.insert_resource(root_dir);
+ }
+pub(crate) fn update_entries(
+ commands: &mut Commands,
+ dirworld_entities: &Query<(Entity, &DirworldEntity)>,
+ old_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
+ current_dir: &PathBuf,
+ project_dir: &PathBuf,
+ observers: &DirworldObservers,
+ codecs: &DirworldCodecs,
+) {
+ let directory = current_dir.read_dir().unwrap();
+ if let Some(old_dir) = old_dir {
+ let mut entities_to_despawn = vec![];
+ for (entity, dirworld_entity) in dirworld_entities.iter() {
+ if dirworld_entity.path.parent().unwrap() == old_dir {
+ entities_to_despawn.push(entity);
+ }
+ }
+ for entity in entities_to_despawn {
+ commands.entity(entity).despawn_recursive();
+ }
+ }
+ let mut entry_paths: Vec<PathBuf> = directory
+ .flatten()
+ .map(|entry| entry.path().canonicalize().unwrap())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ entry_paths.retain(|entry| {
+ !entry
+ .file_name()
+ .is_some_and(|entry| entry.to_string_lossy().starts_with("."))
+ });
+ if current_dir != project_dir {
+ entry_paths = iter::once(current_dir.join(".."))
+ .chain(entry_paths)
+ .collect();
+ }
+ for entry_path in entry_paths {
+ process_entry(commands, &entry_path, &observers, &codecs);
+ }
+pub(crate) fn process_entry(
+ commands: &mut Commands,
+ entry_path: &PathBuf,
+ observers: &DirworldObservers,
+ codecs: &DirworldCodecs,
+) {
+ let (payload, data) = extract_payload(entry_path, codecs);
+ let transform = if let Some(component) = payload
+ .as_ref()
+ .and_then(|payload| payload.component("Transform"))
+ {
+ if let DirworldComponent::Transform(component) = component {
+ component.clone()
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to decompose component")
+ }
+ } else {
+ Transform::default()
+ };
+ let entity = commands.spawn((
+ SpatialBundle {
+ transform,
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ DirworldEntity {
+ path: entry_path.clone(),
+ payload: payload.clone(),
+ },
+ ));
+ let entity = entity.id();
+ let entry_type = if entry_path.is_dir() {
+ EntryType::Folder
+ } else {
+ let extensions = entry_path.extensions();
+ EntryType::File(extensions)
+ };
+ if let Some(observer) = observers.get(&entry_type) {
+ commands.trigger_targets(DirworldSpawn { entity, data }, observer.clone());
+ }
+fn extract_payload(
+ entry_path: &PathBuf,
+ codecs: &DirworldCodecs,
+) -> (Option<DirworldEntityPayload>, Option<Vec<u8>>) {
+ let entry_type = if entry_path.is_dir() {
+ EntryType::Folder
+ } else {
+ let extensions = entry_path.extensions();
+ EntryType::File(extensions)
+ };
+ let mut data: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
+ let mut payload: Option<DirworldEntityPayload> = None;
+ match &entry_type {
+ EntryType::File(Some(extension)) => {
+ if let Ok(file_data) = fs::read(entry_path.clone()) {
+ match codecs.get(extension) {
+ Some(codec) => match codec.decode(&file_data.as_slice()) {
+ Ok((carrier, extracted_payload)) => {
+ match rmp_serde::from_slice::<DirworldEntityPayload>(
+ extracted_payload.as_slice(),
+ ) {
+ Ok(deserialized_payload) => {
+ data = Some(carrier);
+ payload = Some(deserialized_payload);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ warn!("{:?}", e);
+ data = Some(file_data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Err(e) => match e {
+ Error::DataNotEncoded => {
+ data = Some(file_data);
+ }
+ _ => error!("{:?}", e),
+ },
+ },
+ None => {
+ data = Some(file_data);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn!("Failed to read data from {entry_path:?}");
+ }
+ }
+ EntryType::Folder => {
+ let door_path = entry_path.join(".door");
+ if door_path.exists() {
+ let door_file_data = fs::read(door_path).unwrap();
+ match rmp_serde::from_slice::<DirworldEntityPayload>(&door_file_data.as_slice()) {
+ Ok(deserialized_payload) => {
+ payload = Some(deserialized_payload);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ warn!("{:?}", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ (payload, data)
+struct DirworldChangeRootCommand {
+ pub path: PathBuf,
+impl Command for DirworldChangeRootCommand {
+ fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
+ let mut root_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldRootDir>().unwrap();
+ let mut current_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCurrentDir>().unwrap();
+ let old_root;
+ if let DirworldRootDir(Some(old_dir)) = root_dir {
+ world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::LeftRoom {
+ path: self.path.clone(),
+ });
+ old_root = Some(old_dir);
+ } else {
+ old_root = None;
+ }
+ root_dir.0 = Some(self.path.canonicalize().unwrap());
+ current_dir.0 = Some(self.path.canonicalize().unwrap());
+ let mut system_state: SystemState<(
+ Commands,
+ Query<(Entity, &DirworldEntity)>,
+ Res<DirworldObservers>,
+ Res<DirworldCodecs>,
+ )> = SystemState::new(world);
+ let (mut commands, dirworld_entities, observers, codecs) = system_state.get_mut(world);
+ update_entries(
+ &mut commands,
+ &dirworld_entities,
+ old_root,
+ &current_dir.0.clone().unwrap(),
+ &root_dir.0.clone().unwrap(),
+ &observers,
+ &codecs,
+ );
+ system_state.apply(world);
+ world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::EnteredRoom { path: self.path });
+ world.insert_resource(root_dir);
+ world.insert_resource(current_dir);
+ }
+struct DirworldLockDoorCommand {
+ path: PathBuf,
+ key: Vec<u8>,
+impl Command for DirworldLockDoorCommand {
+ fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
+ let path = self.path.clone();
+ // Get existing payload
+ let codecs = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCodecs>().unwrap();
+ let (payload, _) = extract_payload(&path, &codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ let task = AsyncComputeTaskPool::get().spawn(async move {
+ // Tar directory
+ let mut tar = tar::Builder::new(Vec::new());
+ tar.append_dir_all(path.file_stem().unwrap(), path.clone())
+ .unwrap();
+ let tar_buffer = tar.into_inner().unwrap();
+ // XZ archive
+ let tar_xz = XzEncoder::new(tar_buffer.as_slice(), 0).into_inner();
+ // Encrypt archive
+ let mut crypter =
+ crypto::aes::ecb_encryptor(KeySize::KeySize128, &self.key[..16], PkcsPadding);
+ let mut encrypted = vec![];
+ let mut buffer = [0; 4096];
+ let mut read_buffer = RefReadBuffer::new(tar_xz);
+ let mut write_buffer = RefWriteBuffer::new(&mut buffer);
+ loop {
+ let result = crypter
+ .encrypt(&mut read_buffer, &mut write_buffer, true)
+ .expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
+ encrypted.extend(write_buffer.take_read_buffer().take_remaining().iter().map(|&i|i));
+ match result {
+ BufferResult::BufferUnderflow => break,
+ BufferResult::BufferOverflow => {}
+ }
+ }
+ let newpath = format!("{}.tar.xz.aes", path.display());
+ fs::write(&newpath, encrypted).unwrap();
+ // Remove original folder
+ fs::remove_dir_all(path).unwrap();
+ // Insert key hash as payload relationship
+ let key_digest = md5::compute(&self.key[..16]);
+ let mut payload = payload.unwrap_or_default();
+ payload.push(DirworldComponent::Relationship {
+ label: "key".into(),
+ hash: key_digest.0,
+ });
+ // Write payload
+ let mut command_queue = CommandQueue::default();
+ command_queue.push(DirworldSaveEntityCommand {
+ path: newpath.into(),
+ payload,
+ });
+ Some(command_queue)
+ });
+ world.resource_mut::<DirworldTasks>().insert(
+ format!("Locking {:?}", self.path.file_name().unwrap()),
+ task,
+ );
+ }
+struct DirworldUnlockDoorCommand {
+ path: PathBuf,
+ key: Vec<u8>,
+impl Command for DirworldUnlockDoorCommand {
+ fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
+ let path = self.path.clone();
+ // Get existing payload
+ let codecs = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCodecs>().unwrap();
+ let (payload, carrier) = extract_payload(&path, &codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ let task = AsyncComputeTaskPool::get().spawn(async move {
+ // Decrypt archive
+ let mut decrypter =
+ crypto::aes::ecb_decryptor(KeySize::KeySize128, &self.key[..16], PkcsPadding);
+ let encrypted = carrier.unwrap();
+ let mut decrypted = vec![];
+ let mut buffer = [0; 4096];
+ let mut read_buffer = RefReadBuffer::new(&encrypted);
+ let mut write_buffer = RefWriteBuffer::new(&mut buffer);
+ loop {
+ let result = decrypter
+ .decrypt(&mut read_buffer, &mut write_buffer, true)
+ .expect("Failed to encrypt data!");
+ decrypted.extend(write_buffer.take_read_buffer().take_remaining().iter().map(|&i|i));
+ match result {
+ BufferResult::BufferUnderflow => break,
+ BufferResult::BufferOverflow => {}
+ }
+ }
+ // Unzip archive
+ let tar = XzDecoder::new(decrypted.as_slice()).into_inner();
+ // Untar archive
+ let mut tar = tar::Archive::new(tar);
+ let parent = path.parent().unwrap();
+ tar.unpack(parent).unwrap();
+ fs::remove_file(path.clone()).unwrap();
+ if let Some(mut payload) = payload {
+ for (index, relationship) in payload.iter().enumerate().filter(|(_, x)| {
+ DirworldComponentDiscriminants::from(*x)
+ == DirworldComponentDiscriminants::Relationship
+ }) {
+ if let DirworldComponent::Relationship { label, .. } = relationship {
+ if label == "key" {
+ payload.remove(index);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write payload
+ let mut command_queue = CommandQueue::default();
+ let new_path = parent.join(path.file_stem_no_extensions().unwrap());
+ let _ = fs::create_dir(new_path.clone());
+ command_queue.push(DirworldSaveEntityCommand {
+ path: new_path.into(),
+ payload,
+ });
+ return Some(command_queue);
+ }
+ None
+ });
+ world.resource_mut::<DirworldTasks>().insert(
+ format!("Unlocking {:?}", self.path.file_name().unwrap()),
+ task,
+ );
+ }
+struct DirworldSaveEntityCommand {
+ path: PathBuf,
+ payload: DirworldEntityPayload,
+impl Command for DirworldSaveEntityCommand {
+ fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
+ info!("Saving {}", &self.path.display());
+ let is_dir = self.path.is_dir();
+ let observers = world.remove_resource::<DirworldObservers>().unwrap();
+ let codecs = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCodecs>().unwrap();
+ let codec = if is_dir {
+ None
+ } else {
+ match codecs.get(&self.path.extensions().unwrap()) {
+ Some(codec) => Some(codec),
+ None => {
+ warn!(
+ "No matching codec found for {:?}",
+ self.path.file_name().unwrap()
+ );
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(observers);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let payload = match rmp_serde::to_vec(&self.payload) {
+ Ok(payload) => payload,
+ Err(e) => {
+ error!("{e:?}");
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(observers);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ if is_dir {
+ let target_path = self.path.join(".door");
+ if let Err(e) = fs::write(target_path, payload) {
+ error!("{e:?}");
+ }
+ } else {
+ let codec = codec.unwrap();
+ let carrier = match fs::read(&self.path) {
+ Ok(raw_carrier) => match codec.decode(&raw_carrier) {
+ Ok((carrier, _)) => carrier,
+ Err(e) => match e {
+ Error::DependencyError(_) => {
+ error!("{e:?}");
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(observers);
+ return;
+ }
+ _ => raw_carrier,
+ },
+ },
+ Err(e) => {
+ error!("{e:?}");
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(observers);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let encoded = match codec.encode(&carrier, &payload) {
+ Ok(encoded) => encoded,
+ Err(e) => {
+ error!("Error encoding payload: {e:?}");
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(observers);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ if let Err(e) = fs::write(&self.path, encoded) {
+ error!("{e:?}");
+ }
+ }
+ world.insert_resource(codecs);
+ world.insert_resource(observers);
+ }
+/// Commands for dirworld navigation
+pub trait DirworldCommands {
+ /// Change the root of the world. This will also set the current directory. This is not really meant to be used in-game but is useful for editor applications.
+ fn dirworld_change_root(&mut self, path: PathBuf);
+ /// Move to given directory
+ fn dirworld_navigate(&mut self, path: PathBuf);
+ /// Lock Door
+ fn dirworld_lock_door(&mut self, path: PathBuf, key: Vec<u8>);
+ /// Unlock Door
+ fn dirworld_unlock_door(&mut self, path: PathBuf, key: Vec<u8>);
+ fn dirworld_save_entity(&mut self, path: PathBuf, payload: DirworldEntityPayload);
+impl<'w, 's> DirworldCommands for Commands<'w, 's> {
+ fn dirworld_change_root(&mut self, path: PathBuf) {
+ self.add(DirworldChangeRootCommand { path });
+ }
+ fn dirworld_navigate(&mut self, path: PathBuf) {
+ self.add(DirworldNavigateCommand { path });
+ }
+ fn dirworld_lock_door(&mut self, path: PathBuf, key: Vec<u8>) {
+ self.add(DirworldLockDoorCommand { key, path });
+ }
+ fn dirworld_unlock_door(&mut self, path: PathBuf, key: Vec<u8>) {
+ self.add(DirworldUnlockDoorCommand { key, path });
+ }
+ fn dirworld_save_entity(&mut self, path: PathBuf, payload: DirworldEntityPayload) {
+ self.add(DirworldSaveEntityCommand { path, payload });
+ }