+++ title = "bevy_terminal_display" [taxonomies] categories = ["bevy plugin"] languages = ["rust"] [extra] very_cool = true github = ["soaosdev/bevy_terminal_display"] crates = ["bevy_terminal_display"] +++ this plugin allows you to render from a camera to the terminal using [unicode braille characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braille_Patterns) ![sponza](sponza.png) it makes use of the [bevy_headless_render](@/projects/bevy_headless_render/index.md) plugin for headless rendering, and then uses the [bevy_dither_post_process](@/projects/bevy_dither_post_process/index.md) plugin to dither the captured frame before converting the black and white pixels into the appropriate characters and printing them to the terminal this plugin uses the [ratatui](https://crates.io/crates/ratatui) and [crossterm](https://crates.io/crates/crossterm) for rendering to the terminal this plugin manages a `TerminalInput` resource which keeps track of pressed keys this plugin also has facilities for creating and rendering ratatui widgets here's an example of a dialog box and option selection widget i've implemented in one of my WIP projects ![dialog widget](dialog.png) in that project, i also make use of the [bevy_outline_post_process](@/projects/bevy_outline_post_process/index.md) for additional visual contrast