path: root/src/commands.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/commands.rs')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/src/commands.rs b/src/commands.rs
index 69cc83a..6066ab7 100644
--- a/src/commands.rs
+++ b/src/commands.rs
@@ -1,282 +1,28 @@
use std::{
- fs, iter,
- path::{Path, PathBuf},
+ fs, path::PathBuf,
use bevy::{
- ecs::{
- system::SystemState,
- world::{Command, CommandQueue},
- },
+ ecs::
+ world::{Command, CommandQueue}
+ ,
use crypto::{
- blockmodes::{EcbEncryptor, PkcsPadding},
+ blockmodes::PkcsPadding,
buffer::{BufferResult, ReadBuffer, RefReadBuffer, RefWriteBuffer, WriteBuffer},
use occule::Error;
use xz2::read::{XzDecoder, XzEncoder};
use crate::{
- components::DirworldEntity,
- events::{DirworldNavigationEvent, DirworldSpawn},
- payload::{DirworldComponent, DirworldComponentDiscriminants, DirworldEntityPayload},
- resources::{
- DirworldCodecs, DirworldCurrentDir, DirworldObservers, DirworldRootDir, DirworldTasks,
- EntryType,
- },
- Extensions,
+ payload::{DirworldComponent, DirworldComponentDiscriminants, DirworldEntityPayload}, resources::{
+ DirworldCodecs, DirworldObservers, DirworldTasks,
+ }, utils::extract_entity_payload, Extensions
-struct DirworldNavigateCommand {
- pub path: PathBuf,
-impl Command for DirworldNavigateCommand {
- fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
- let root_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldRootDir>().unwrap();
- let mut current_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCurrentDir>().unwrap();
- let current_path;
- let old_dir;
- if let Some(old_path) = &current_dir.0 {
- world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::LeftRoom {
- path: old_path.clone(),
- });
- current_path = old_path.join(self.path);
- old_dir = Some(old_path.clone());
- } else {
- current_path = self.path;
- old_dir = None;
- }
- current_dir.0 = Some(current_path.clone());
- let mut system_state: SystemState<(
- Commands,
- Query<(Entity, &DirworldEntity)>,
- Res<DirworldObservers>,
- Res<DirworldCodecs>,
- )> = SystemState::new(world);
- let (mut commands, dirworld_entities, observers, codecs) = system_state.get_mut(world);
- update_entries(
- &mut commands,
- &dirworld_entities,
- old_dir,
- &current_path,
- &root_dir.0.clone().unwrap(),
- &observers,
- &codecs,
- );
- system_state.apply(world);
- world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::EnteredRoom { path: current_path });
- world.insert_resource(current_dir);
- world.insert_resource(root_dir);
- }
-pub(crate) fn update_entries(
- commands: &mut Commands,
- dirworld_entities: &Query<(Entity, &DirworldEntity)>,
- old_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
- current_dir: &PathBuf,
- project_dir: &PathBuf,
- observers: &DirworldObservers,
- codecs: &DirworldCodecs,
-) {
- let directory = current_dir.read_dir().unwrap();
- if let Some(old_dir) = old_dir {
- let mut entities_to_despawn = vec![];
- for (entity, dirworld_entity) in dirworld_entities.iter() {
- if dirworld_entity.path.parent().unwrap() == old_dir {
- entities_to_despawn.push(entity);
- }
- }
- for entity in entities_to_despawn {
- commands.entity(entity).despawn_recursive();
- }
- }
- let mut entry_paths: Vec<PathBuf> = directory
- .flatten()
- .map(|entry| entry.path().canonicalize().unwrap())
- .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- entry_paths.retain(|entry| {
- !entry
- .file_name()
- .is_some_and(|entry| entry.to_string_lossy().starts_with("."))
- });
- if current_dir != project_dir {
- entry_paths = iter::once(current_dir.join(".."))
- .chain(entry_paths)
- .collect();
- }
- for entry_path in entry_paths {
- process_entry(commands, &entry_path, &observers, &codecs);
- }
-pub(crate) fn process_entry(
- commands: &mut Commands,
- entry_path: &PathBuf,
- observers: &DirworldObservers,
- codecs: &DirworldCodecs,
-) {
- let (payload, data) = extract_payload(entry_path, codecs);
- let transform = if let Some(component) = payload
- .as_ref()
- .and_then(|payload| payload.component("Transform"))
- {
- if let DirworldComponent::Transform(component) = component {
- component.clone()
- } else {
- panic!("Failed to decompose component")
- }
- } else {
- Transform::default()
- };
- let entity = commands.spawn((
- SpatialBundle {
- transform,
- ..Default::default()
- },
- DirworldEntity {
- path: entry_path.clone(),
- payload: payload.clone(),
- },
- ));
- let entity = entity.id();
- let entry_type = if entry_path.is_dir() {
- EntryType::Folder
- } else {
- let extensions = entry_path.extensions();
- EntryType::File(extensions)
- };
- if let Some(observer) = observers.get(&entry_type) {
- commands.trigger_targets(DirworldSpawn { entity, data }, observer.clone());
- }
-fn extract_payload(
- entry_path: &PathBuf,
- codecs: &DirworldCodecs,
-) -> (Option<DirworldEntityPayload>, Option<Vec<u8>>) {
- let entry_type = if entry_path.is_dir() {
- EntryType::Folder
- } else {
- let extensions = entry_path.extensions();
- EntryType::File(extensions)
- };
- let mut data: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
- let mut payload: Option<DirworldEntityPayload> = None;
- match &entry_type {
- EntryType::File(Some(extension)) => {
- if let Ok(file_data) = fs::read(entry_path.clone()) {
- match codecs.get(extension) {
- Some(codec) => match codec.decode(&file_data.as_slice()) {
- Ok((carrier, extracted_payload)) => {
- match rmp_serde::from_slice::<DirworldEntityPayload>(
- extracted_payload.as_slice(),
- ) {
- Ok(deserialized_payload) => {
- data = Some(carrier);
- payload = Some(deserialized_payload);
- }
- Err(e) => {
- warn!("{:?}", e);
- data = Some(file_data);
- }
- }
- }
- Err(e) => match e {
- Error::DataNotEncoded => {
- data = Some(file_data);
- }
- _ => error!("{:?}", e),
- },
- },
- None => {
- data = Some(file_data);
- }
- }
- } else {
- warn!("Failed to read data from {entry_path:?}");
- }
- }
- EntryType::Folder => {
- let door_path = entry_path.join(".door");
- if door_path.exists() {
- let door_file_data = fs::read(door_path).unwrap();
- match rmp_serde::from_slice::<DirworldEntityPayload>(&door_file_data.as_slice()) {
- Ok(deserialized_payload) => {
- payload = Some(deserialized_payload);
- }
- Err(e) => {
- warn!("{:?}", e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- (payload, data)
-struct DirworldChangeRootCommand {
- pub path: PathBuf,
-impl Command for DirworldChangeRootCommand {
- fn apply(self, world: &mut World) {
- let mut root_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldRootDir>().unwrap();
- let mut current_dir = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCurrentDir>().unwrap();
- let old_root;
- if let DirworldRootDir(Some(old_dir)) = root_dir {
- world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::LeftRoom {
- path: self.path.clone(),
- });
- old_root = Some(old_dir);
- } else {
- old_root = None;
- }
- root_dir.0 = Some(self.path.canonicalize().unwrap());
- current_dir.0 = Some(self.path.canonicalize().unwrap());
- let mut system_state: SystemState<(
- Commands,
- Query<(Entity, &DirworldEntity)>,
- Res<DirworldObservers>,
- Res<DirworldCodecs>,
- )> = SystemState::new(world);
- let (mut commands, dirworld_entities, observers, codecs) = system_state.get_mut(world);
- update_entries(
- &mut commands,
- &dirworld_entities,
- old_root,
- &current_dir.0.clone().unwrap(),
- &root_dir.0.clone().unwrap(),
- &observers,
- &codecs,
- );
- system_state.apply(world);
- world.send_event(DirworldNavigationEvent::EnteredRoom { path: self.path });
- world.insert_resource(root_dir);
- world.insert_resource(current_dir);
- }
struct DirworldLockDoorCommand {
path: PathBuf,
key: Vec<u8>,
@@ -287,7 +33,7 @@ impl Command for DirworldLockDoorCommand {
let path = self.path.clone();
// Get existing payload
let codecs = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCodecs>().unwrap();
- let (payload, _) = extract_payload(&path, &codecs);
+ let (payload, _) = extract_entity_payload(&path, &codecs);
let task = AsyncComputeTaskPool::get().spawn(async move {
// Tar directory
@@ -357,7 +103,7 @@ impl Command for DirworldUnlockDoorCommand {
let path = self.path.clone();
// Get existing payload
let codecs = world.remove_resource::<DirworldCodecs>().unwrap();
- let (payload, carrier) = extract_payload(&path, &codecs);
+ let (payload, carrier) = extract_entity_payload(&path, &codecs);
let task = AsyncComputeTaskPool::get().spawn(async move {
// Decrypt archive
@@ -509,12 +255,6 @@ impl Command for DirworldSaveEntityCommand {
/// Commands for dirworld navigation
pub trait DirworldCommands {
- /// Change the root of the world. This will also set the current directory. This is not really meant to be used in-game but is useful for editor applications.
- fn dirworld_change_root(&mut self, path: PathBuf);
- /// Move to given directory
- fn dirworld_navigate(&mut self, path: PathBuf);
/// Lock Door
fn dirworld_lock_door(&mut self, path: PathBuf, key: Vec<u8>);
@@ -525,14 +265,6 @@ pub trait DirworldCommands {
impl<'w, 's> DirworldCommands for Commands<'w, 's> {
- fn dirworld_change_root(&mut self, path: PathBuf) {
- self.add(DirworldChangeRootCommand { path });
- }
- fn dirworld_navigate(&mut self, path: PathBuf) {
- self.add(DirworldNavigateCommand { path });
- }
fn dirworld_lock_door(&mut self, path: PathBuf, key: Vec<u8>) {
self.add(DirworldLockDoorCommand { key, path });